Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Statistic about the American Dream

This graph is not surprising to me because we can see that opportunity comes first and this is the basic value of the American Dream, indeed, for a lot of emigrants this is a land where everyone can work their way up and achieve upward mobility. Then, freedom ranks second.
To explain that we can remember the Founding Father who were the seven politicians who signed the declaration of independence in1776 and 11 years after wrote the Constitution in 1787.
 It was too, a welcoming land for the Pilgrim Fathers who were Puritans who traveled to the USA in 1620 aboard the mayflower to escape religious persecutions in Great Britain. Since this time, American has become a symbole of freedom and an example of democraty.
Financial security aspect is a very important aspect too, for the people need to have monney to meet their own family's needs. We can oppose it to wealth which shows more a kind of desire to strike it rich. Indeed, we can speak of wealth when the people want to meet needs that they don't have like a huge house, lots of cars, the last technological products... etc
Family is an idea which is liked by everybody. Everybody wants to have the perfect model of family which means, two working parents, children who have a very prestigious education and who will be part of the consumer society.
The item of happiness can regroup all the other categories, because when the people manage to be rich, with a lot of hard work and will power, when they have a perfect family, when they need nothing else, they imagine that they will be happy... But as is often the money can't buy happiness ! 

This document redefines the American Dream as the people see it nowadays.We can see that the values aren't the same because the society has changed a lot over the last centuries. We notice a kind of fear of the future for example when 47% of the people are dreaming of money for their retirement. It's true that in America the system it is very different from the european one. It's more individualistic and almost everything is private. When in Europe there is the social security, in America the people have to pay for all their medical treatments and save for their retirement by buying pension funds, for example.
The second notion is to have their own house, which is a heritage of the American Dream which made dreaming the emigrants dream in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Because to have their house we have to have money, the basic element of the American dream.
In this graph we can see a kind of evolution in the demands and need of the people because of drastic changes in society.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Self-correction very seriously done even though a few mistakes have been left uncorrected.
    1-point Bonus.
